Thursday, June 28, 2007

Gone Up In Smoke....

As much as we try to overlook it, narcotic addiction is fast changing from a distant vice, reserved for movie villains, to a reality with students. Smoking, is taking a strong hold, specially with students staying away from home, like in coaching classes. Living in a huge community of student, all of their age, and with no mature guidance, students adopt the sleek stick of death, simply to fit into their peer group.

This one is a poem, from my cousin Parv's blog , who himself has lived in Kota for 3 years and has seen the killing effects of the cigarrette first hand...

Standing by your friend
And sharing is taught
I took it otherwise and shared the smoke

Small white sleek stick
Cannot be of much harm
Can it disturb my life?
So calm
Whatever it may be no one is to blame
Its my own life and its responsibility I claim
So just for the sheer taste

I took it in haste

The experience was the worst of all kind
I choked... and explained it as first time
That was the death's trick of showing the way
And I was following my friend right away

To show him I’m not weak
I puffed once more
Trying to feel, the feel all adore

(after a month)

Still addiction no where to be seen
I started to smoke on whatever day that had been
Tension was the excuse sometimes
othertimes that was any that rhymes

(a month to die )

Smoke's slave soon I became
Although I knew it
I smoked once more to push the fucking thoughts away

Smoke preferred over smoke is an idea insane
But now to live without it is to die
So let it remain